So much sense

So much low hanging fruit for a political party that wanted to really do something worthwhile...

Why is all to deaf ears

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A very good question, Donal.

I am seriously beginning to wonder “who profits?” From a government pushing speed, guns, tobacco, coal, oil & gas, mining, LPG ahead of solar & wind, roads against cycling & rail, & petrol & diesel cars ahead of EVs.

Then there’s their push towards defunding & privatisation, for hospitals & health, schools, ferries, rail, roads, housing, prisons, power & water..to name a few..

These are essential services and as such they should not be ‘for profit’.

Even selling 50% of our power companies has caused huge price increases for NZ households & businesses.

The ‘bad’ policies of this government, the possibly corrupt practices of its ministers, and the undemocratic use of Urgency & Fast Track to push them through is extremely concerning.

So, too, is David Seymour’s power (with ACT’s just 8% of the vote) to change laws & regulations- past, present & future, through his new Ministry of Regulation, the number of ‘spin-doctors’ they employ, & the huge numbers of links to Atlas Network orgs within this coalition government.

Monbiot, & many others, talk about Atlas Network (Project2025 in USA) influencing governments around the world with their anti-climate, anti-environment, anti-workers, & anti-Democracy, pro-corporate agenda- & the changes are scarily in-line with what’s happening here in NZ:

Massive cuts; demolishing public services; privatising public assets; sacking civil servants; sweeping away constraints on corporations; destroying regs that protect workers, vulnerable people & the living world; supporting landlords against tenants..


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