Why buy air freshener in the first place: open a window. Cut down on animal products: better for you, better for the planet. Why not buy loose tea and use a teapot? It's cheaper and the quality of the tea is better. Healthy babies have been brought up for years without wet wipes: why have they suddenly become one of life's necessities? In spite of my best endeavours, I still end up with plenty of plastic bags and use these for my small rubbish bin. Avoid buying junk food: better for you, better for the environment. I take my own bags to Bin Inn for herbs and spices - and save a lot of money into the bargain. I don't use cotton buds, but have seen them made with bamboo.

The packaging of all these things is an issue: bio-degrable or not, it's a waste of precious resources to have single use packaging, We need to insist on being able to buy more things without the pre-packaging, and to be prepared to forgo convenience for the sake of the planet.

Think before you buy. Ask 'do I really need this?' See if there's an alternative. It all takes time and effort, but people managed for years without so much of what we buy without a second thought. So many of the things we believe we have to have, are developed with no other purpose than to create a demand for something we can easily live without. We all have to learn to refuse to make refuse.

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100% Pure NZ - Yeah right.

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I've seen free range sausage rolls on the shelves, let that sink in

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